The story behind Deva's knifes

Couteaux Deva has been creating exceptional knives since 2005 – unique pieces 100% hand-crafted by artisan bladesmith Dave Fortin. Dave grew up in Cap-Santé, Quebec. Since making his first knife at age 13, he has never stopped honing his skills and seeking out new directions in his craft. A self-taught bladesmith with a contagious passion for his work, Dave has spent the last decade perfecting his art in his workshop in Quebec City’s Saint-Jean-Baptiste neighbourhood. Dave Fortin approaches each knife as a work of sculpture, and like a sculptor he takes inspiration from his materials. Through ongoing experimentation with artistic metallurgy, he has tirelessly worked to develop and refine his signature steels and his craft, like his classical laminated steel with nickel. Dave has garnered recognition as a knife maker throughout Quebec and Canada, and his work can be found in private and public collections around the world. Outstanding quality, unique design, beautiful steel, and superior ergonomics are the hallmarks of a Deva knife. Every one-of-a-kind piece is at once a work of art and a precision tool of outstanding quality whose physical and aesthetic properties achieve a rare harmony. Uncompromising quality of build and materials yields long-lasting knives for cooking, fishing, hunting and more. Collectors and design buffs are drawn by Deva knives’ distinctive forms and the sharpness of their blades, which make preparing food a pleasure. Dave’s knives are well respected by chefs and foodies alike, who also appreciate his sharpening, repair, and restoration services.

To know more about Dave and his knives: 

Interviews and reportages (French only)


Participation in the web advertising campaign of Québec City Tourism (French only)


Print media selection (French only)

  • Di Lillo, Marie-Claude, « Le couteau, bien plus qu’un simple outil de cuisine! », Cahier Plaisirs, Le Devoir 29-30 janvier 2022, p, C1 et 6
  • Perreault, Jasmin, « Un entretien privilégié avec un taillandier de renom », Sentier Chasse-Pêche – L’Annuel de chasse 2021, p. 90-95
  • Ata, Sandra, « Couteaux Deva », Maison & Demeure, vol. 11, no 8, octobre 2019, p.32
  • Perron, Alexandra, « Couteaux Deva – À couper le souffle », Le Soleil, 29 décembre 2018, M21-23
  • Bouchard, Catherine, « Des couteaux uniques », Le Journal de Québec, 14 mai 2017, p. 53
  • Décoste, Caroline, « Le maître d’armes », Magazine 1608, printemps 2017, p. 62-65

The process

Every Deva knife is made entirely by hand by Dave Fortin, with painstaking attention to detail and quality. Each knife is unique piece; no identical one will ever be produced. Dave draws on his long experience with hand-forging and metallurgy to create, by welding and hammering various alloys, a steel alloy known as Damascus steel, which is prized for its unique appearance with patterns of lines. After designing and producing the steel blocks in his workshop, Dave completes the next steps: welding, hammering, and stretching. After he shapes his unique steels into knives. For every element of the knife – blades, handles, stands, or sheathes – he carefully selects the best materials available on the market. He works with leading experts for the tempering step of the stainless steel process.

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